our lord

our lord
nailed to the cross

our lord

our lord
jesus crucifixion

our lord

our lord
his holy face

our lord

our lord
our suffering lord



My god bless each of you

Friday, June 17, 2011

Andrew Scheer, a 32-year-old Catholic and father of four from Saskatchewan, has been elected the youngest speaker in the history of Canada’s Parliament.

Described by a Canadian pro-life newspaper as a “passionate social conservative” who is “unabashedly pro-life,” Scheer has spoken out against same-sex marriage. Scheer faced criticism from some of his colleagues in 2010 when he invited Opus Dei’s vicar for Canada to the Parliament’s restaurant

BIRMINGHAM, Ala (Reuters) - Alabama Governor Robert Bentley on Wednesday signed into law a bill banning abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, making the state the fifth this year to enact such a restriction.

"I believe that life begins at conception and I signed this bill to further commit my promise to protect the life of an unborn child," Bentley said in a statement

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, the controversial recipient of government funds, and is criticized by some for its lack of transparency – and yet CNN’s Eliot Spitzer gave president Cecile Richards a free pass in a Wednesday night interview

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

STATEN ISLAND, NY, (MetroCatholic) – Priests for Life has joined a Louisiana pro-life advocate in calling for an independent investigation of that state’s Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH).

Baton Rouge resident Richard Mahoney has uncovered evidence that Delta Women’s Clinic in Baton Rouge has, for decades, falsified medical records and under-reported the number of abortions that result in death or injury to pregnant women. DHH officials have been aware of the practice and have allowed it to continue, he alleges.

Father Peter West, associate director of Priests for Life, is working with Mahoney to expose abuses at DHH and Delta, which has ties to indicted Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

Mahoney has documents that show Delta Clinic submits forms to DHH on which many of the boxes had been pre-filled. On two separate forms, the box for “Complication of Pregnancy Termination” have been pre-printed with an “x” next to the “None” response.

“This practice of falsifying legal documents to the DHH’s Office of Vital Records and the medical malpractice and fraud involved in sending forms to the DHH that were … completed prior to seeing any patients, is tantamount to the largest travesty of justice ever perpetrated by the medical establishment under the guise of women’s reproductive health care,” Mahoney said. “In no other branch of medical practice would this be tolerated. The ramifications of these perjuries to the health of women in the United States is staggering.”

Father West said it is within DHH’s power to close Delta Clinic immediately.

“Under a 2010 law, DHH has the authority to close abortion facilities that violate state standards,” said Father West. “In fact, the publicity surrounding Delta Clinic in Baton Rouge is at least partially responsible for the closure of a New Orleans abortion facility. We demand that DHH immediately use its power to close Delta. Failing that, Priests for Life demands an independent congressional investigation of DHH.”

In the past, Delta owner Leroy Brinkley employed Gosnell one day a week. Eileen White O’Neil, who has been charged in the Gosnell case with pretending to be a licensed physician, also has worked for Brinkley.

“Women in Louisiana need to know the danger they are in once they step inside Delta Clinic,” Father West said. “DHH has the authority to shut it down today, and yet officials refuse to act. It’s time – it’s way past time – to find out why.”

Mahoney said: “The public needs to know the truth about abortion, the atrocities that have been committed by the abortion industry, and the government’s complicity in the skewing of the number of abortions performed and the injuries and complications associated with these procedures. All records that were falsified to the DHH Vital Records Registry need to be corrected and the appropriate information needs to be reported for each tient. We believe that only a Congressional hearing and an Independent Council investigation on these false reporting practices will reveal the truth about these abominable practices.”

Monday, June 13, 2011

The pro-life organization is on the receiving end of pro-abortion vandalism again — this time when abortion advocates apparently targeted the vehicle of two young pro-life interns.

Troy Newman, the president of Operation Rescue, emailed LifeNews.com with the details:

Friday morning our two young interns, Josh and Elisabeth, found that all four tires on their car had been slashed. We believe they were targeted for this attack because of their pro-life convictions.

The only vehicle damaged in the parking lot was the only one with the pro-life bumper sticker.

Josh and Elisabeth are young married college students who are sacrificially spending their summer break from classes at the University of Colorado to work in our office on several critical projects. They live on next to nothing in order to do pro-life work.

The vandals created an immediate financial crisis for them.

Because all four tires were slashed, their vehicle had to be towed. With the towing fees and the four new tires, they were looking at a devastating $850 bill.

Operation Rescue stepped in and paid for the towing and tires, but in these financial times – especially during what is traditionally a “Summer Slump” in giving – that was a very painful bill for us to pay.

This is the third incidence of vandalism on us in less than a month. (We must be doing something right in order for the Enemy to attack us in this way!)

First the banner on the front of our building that advertises free pregnancy testing for the crisis pregnancy center next door was vandalized. Then someone stole one of our security cameras, forcing us to upgrade our security system and install a security gate – another expense that was not in the budget. Now Josh and Elisabeth have had their tires slashed.

Recently, the University of Buffalo Students for Life (UBSFL) group was hit by vandalism again as pro-abortion vandals viciously attacked one of the group’s first events, their Cemetery of the Innocents Display featuring crosses meant to memorialize the 53 million unborn children who have been killed in abortions.

The vandalism at the college campus follows an incident that saw a group of pro-abortion activists vandalize and desecrate a Christian pro-life display students at Clarion University put up at their Pennsylvania campus.

In their attack, pro-abortion students vandalized the Clarion University Students for Life display by turning the crosses upside-down to form satanic symbols, and they dripped fake blood over many of the crosses the took up from the ground and placed in a pile. The abortion advocate then wrote the word “Pro-Choice” in the “blood” on the sidewalk in front of the sign the pro-life students put in front of their display to explain its meaning.

Also in May, students at Valley Lutheran High School spent Monday morning placing a set of 1,000 white crosses into the ground that were torn up that night and subject to spray paint from abortion advocates who plastered anti-Christian messages on them. The next day, the students worked to set the crosses up again and clean up following the vandalism.

CNA/EWTN News).- The ethics of finance will take center stage at the Vatican next week as business leaders from around the globe arrive for a two day “Executive Summit on Ethics for the Business World” from June 16 to 17.

“As a Church we never yield to the status quo and never should stop provoking or taking people beyond the status quo,” Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the summit co-organizer Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, told Vatican Radio June 10.

He added that the Church should remind people of “the possibility of looking at things differently than to how they are used to do.”

“I guess that’s what it means to evangelize. To invite people to a level they’ve not thought of before.”

The discussion will largely focus on Pope Benedict XVI’s 2009 encyclical "Caritas in Veritate," whose title means "Charity in Truth." In the midst of global financial collapse, the encyclical advocated an ethics of finance rooted in the dignity of the person and the pursuit of the common good.

“I suppose there should be openness on the part of all to hear something new, to be challenged with something new,” the Ghanaian cardinal said about summit attendees arriving in Rome next week.

The cardinal said that if he speaks he will not address banking or law because that is not his area of expertise.

“But I can witness to the experience of other business people who, at a certain point, have had an experience of the Lord, of Christ, and have decided to do things differently.”

Cardinal Turkson said that only last month he came across a millionaire businessman in New York who had undergone a conversion experience and now is “putting whatever he makes at the service of the spread of the gospel.”

Other organizers of the upcoming summit are the Pontifical University Regina Apostolorum and the Fidelis International Institute. The event aims to promote ethical business practices in accordance with Christian social principles.

Those business people who open themselves up to Catholic social teaching find it extremely stimulating, Cardinal Turkson said. The initiative is not the only one of its kind.

“I know, for example, in England there was an attempt to get bank executives together to study the aspects of the message of the Holy Father,” he added.

“Some have found it very enriching, very refreshing, very new, something they’ve never heard before.”


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Debra Turner
Pentecost shows universality of the Church, Pope declares :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)
Pentecost shows the Holy Spirit created the Catholic Church for all people, Pope Benedict said in his homily to mark Pentecost Sunday June 12.
13 minutes ago ·
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Minnesota Pro-Life Group Marks 43 Years of Saving Lives | LifeNews.com
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL), the state's oldest and largest pro-life organization, today celebrates 43 years of dedication to protecting and defending human life.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Federal law and the laws of more than two dozen states offer protection and justice for pregnant women and unborn children who are victims of violent crimes by holding criminals accountable for killing or injuring both. But the Maine Senate rejected the measure.

Senators voted 18-15 against the bill which would have allowed prosecutors to charge criminals with two crimes instead of one when they kill or injure both a pregnant mother and her unborn baby. The law is similar to the ones that the federal government and states put in place following the killings of Laci and Connor Peterson, a California pregnant mom and her 9-month-old unborn baby.

Assistant Senate Republican leader Debra Plowman of Hampden supported the legislation and said it would provide justice for unborn children who are often forgotten in states like Maine where only the crimes against the baby’s mother can be put forward. Plowman noted that the bill specifically excluded abortion — yet abortion supporters opposed the pro-woman bill because they are opposed to any legal recognition for unborn children, even outside the scope of abortion.

Sen. Douglas Thomas, another Republican, also supported the bill, according to Westport News, saying, “There’s no one who is more innocent or defenseless than an unborn child.”

But Stanley Gerzofsky, a Democrat, opposed the bill, saying state law allows for a second count in such cases. However, that count is merely a sentence enhancement for attacking and killing or injuring the pregnant woman, it does not allow the prosecutor to bring charges against the criminal for crimes against the unborn child — especially in cases when the mother survives the attack and her unborn child is killed. In such cases, pregnant women have feverishly lobbied legislators to change the law so their child’s death is recognized and their baby has justice under state law.

Sen. Philip Bartlett II, another Democrat, also opposed the law and claimed that it would undercut Roe v. Wade even though federal and state laws offering such protection and justice have not done so.

The bill would create the new crimes of murder, felony murder, manslaughter, assault, aggravated assault and elevated aggravated assault against an unborn child. The bill faces another vote in the House, and a vote against the measure would kill it for the legislative session.

Maine Right to Life emailed its supporters following the vote, saying, “It is with sadness that we contact you to inform you that today the Maine Senate voted against the fetal rights bill by a vote of 18-15. LD 1463, An Act Regarding Offenses Against an Unborn Child sponsored by Senator Debra Plowman was defeated in the Senate.” http://www.mainerighttolife.com

“Thirty-six states have passed similar “Laci and Conner’s Law” legislation. Senator Plowman is a valiant pro-life leader who is to be commended for her valor in the Maine Legislature,” the group said.

ACTION: Tell your state senator that you are disappointed the bill did not pass by going to http://maine.gov/legis/senate/